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Role / project
Creative Director

An Overview

As a seasoned creative director with extensive background in UX and UI design, I was excited to work on Chant, a social media platform specifically designed for creatives. The platform showcases the work, goals, and interests of its users, while also connecting them with other creators and employment opportunities.

I was brought on to the project by Ryan Lanier, the founder of Chant, who was building out the UX/UI and wanted a partner to help bring his vision to life. Ryan had recently moved to a new city and was looking for a way to connect with other creatives and find opportunities for collaboration.

Working with Ryan, our goal was to create a platform that was easy to use and spoke to the needs of creatives. We wanted to create a space that would help artists connect with each other and find ways to co-create. The design needed to be both functional and beautiful, and we worked to create a canvas that would allow artists to see through the noise and connect on a real, meaningful level.

Overall, the goal of Chant was to bring creative communities closer together and provide a space for artists to connect, collaborate, and find new opportunities.

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What is it exactly?

I knew that building a platform for creatives required a hyper awareness of the local context in which it would be used. We wanted to create a space where artists and creators could find their next paid gig, connect with like-minded individuals, and feel heard and understood. However, we also knew that we were competing against a monopolized market with already-limited attention spans. This meant that we had to find a way to stand out from the crowd and be intentional in our design decisions.

To achieve this, we focused on creating a seamless flow from one page to the next, while still offering elements of surprise and exploration. We wanted the app to feel intuitive and easy to use, but also to have the flexibility for users to build on top of it. We paid close attention to the feedback we received from our community and used data to inform our design choices.

Ultimately, our goal was to create a narrative that guided users from page to page, avoiding boredom and frustration. We wanted to tell a story that made the user feel like the hero of their own journey. By addressing these pain points and focusing on the needs of our community of artists and creators, we were able to build a platform that truly resonated with its intended audience.

Where we landed

Building a social media platform for creatives requires an understanding of design thinking and an ability to balance aesthetics with function. At Chant, our goal was to create a space where artists and creators could connect with each other and with employment opportunities, all while showcasing their work, goals, and interests. We knew that we had to stand out in a crowded, monopolized market where users' attention was already being pulled in many different directions. In order to achieve this, we had to be strategic and intentional in the data we collected and the feedback we received from our community. We also had to consider the local context in which we were operating and ensure that the platform was inclusive and responsive to the needs of our users. In terms of design, we wanted to create a seamless flow from one page to the next and a structure that was familiar but different enough to encourage exploration. We aimed to make the app feel intuitive and give it the flexibility to adapt to the needs of its users. Ultimately, our goal was to create a narrative that guided users through the app and made them feel like the hero of their own story, rather than leaving them lost and frustrated. By working closely with our founder and taking the needs of our community into account, we were able to build a platform that truly served the needs of artists and creators.